Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The small, hairy demons in the walls.

I watched one of those media-hype-filled so-called investigations of allegedly haunted locations last night. It was entertaining, in that I laughed most of the way through.

These people set themselves up as ghost hunters, yet if so much as a stair creaks, they run screaming.

The medium on the show never fails to find a ghost. I'm impressed. Since there are more people alive today than have ever lived, it follows that there are more living people than dead ones on the planet. If we assume, as most religions profess, that most of these dead people have gone to some kind of Heaven or Hell, then there aren't many real ghosts to find. There are more mediums than there are ghosts to talk to them!

There is an article on this very subject at www.alienskinmag.com, written by someone calling himself Dr. Dume. A false name, certainly, but a sensible article, even though it deals with fiction.

The highlight of the show was the scratching sounds they recorded in the walls. The medium assured everyone that this was evidence of communication from the Other Side, and proceeded to hold a shallow and meaningless conversation with this scratching entity. I almost fell off my chair.

Now, the scratching in the walls would be familiar to anyone who's lived in the country. It happens a lot there, especially during harvest when field-mice are rendered homeless.

Yes, the demons in the wall are small and furry, and squeak rather than wail in the night.

If that medium could converse with mice, I'd be even more impressed than if he could converse with ghosts.

I don't believe he can do either.


Anonymous said...

Why do these mediums want to talk to ghosts anyway? Handle ghosts the same way you handle salesmen who come knocking. Don't answer the door!

Romulus Crowe said...

Unfortunately, some of them just walk through.

The mediums want to talk to ghosts - or to make you believe they talk to ghosts - because they get paid for that illusion.

Many competent stage-magicians, who claim no psychic ability, have demonstrated cold-reading techniques. Some have even fooled established 'psychics'.

The theatre scams involve assistants who chat to audience members before the show, pretending to be audience members themselves. They draw out the information the 'psychic' later reveals on stage, and he can work in more detail by cold-reading.

If someone is truly psychic, you won't need to ask for their help. They'll already know what you want to ask, and they'll call you and tell you.

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