Saturday, April 08, 2006

Coasting the 'Net

AOL keep sending me free CD's.

They make excellent coasters.

So this is just a quick 'thank-you' to AOL for helping to protect my oak table from hot tea cups and cold whisky glasses.


Anonymous said...

AOL coasters? Ugh. But sounds about right for a man's taste in decor. No offense Romulus.

Anonymous said...

The trouble with using an AOL CD for a coaster is the tendency - esp for ignorant guests - is to use any CD for a coaster. Better to string them together to use as windchimes or if you've enough, as curtains, etc.

Romulus Crowe said...

I avoid the problem of ignorant guests by having no guests at all.

Nobody is invited. Everyone is an inconvenience. So the issue of interior decoration is irrelevant.

There is no 'welcome' on my doormat.

Anonymous said...

but that's another great use for AOL discs - doormats.
those of use with at least a shred of human social interaction have to consider these things.

Romulus Crowe said...

Human social interaction is a waste of time. People are nothing more than an interruption of work, at best.

I know people who refer to themselves as my 'friends'. If I were to become poor tomorrow, how many of them would help me? How many would even acknowledge my existence?

None. They are not friends. They are parasites. That's why I have no guests. My home is a place free of these sycophantic morons. There are no friends, there are only people who want something from you.

There is no loneliness, there is only alone, and it's a good place to be.

Anonymous said...

Sounds warm and cozy.

Come on Romulus, we all need friends. Otherwise, what's the point of drinking beer? If you burp, nobody laughs.

Anonymous said...

"Human social interaction is a waste of time."

Clue in, Rom. We're born to die. Everything's a waste of time.

Okay, I'm suzy-sunshine. I don't really think that. I just thought it sounded cool.;)

Anonymous said...

But some ways are more fun to waste it than others. tedious doom and gloom ranks on the bottom of my list - though apparently high on Rom's.
I find there are serious flaws in a personality that shuns human interaction. Though I know some do prefer those persons to be already dead - right Rom?

Romulus Crowe said...

We are not born to die, we are just born. What we do with the time between is up to us. I choose not to waste it in pointless relationships that are doomed to fail.

Yes, I will die one day, but I will at least leave my mark on the scientific world.

As for conversing with the dead, some of us have no choice in that matter. No, I don't prefer them, they are an appalling intrusion, and rarely have anything interesting to say.

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