Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Ghost writers

heyjude said...
So, a muse by any other name is still a

A muse is a supernatural being, from Greek mythology and by other names from other mythologies.

A ghost is a supernatural being from almost every mythology.

Is there a difference? I wonder. Perhaps when writers and artists talk of 'the Muse', they're not being as fanciful as many suppose.

Perhaps that whisper in the ear, that nudge of the paintbrush, that movement of the pen isn't accidental. Perhaps it's guided.

I don't suppose anyone really cares as long as it produces something worthwhile. Least of all the writers and artists.

As long as they get paid.


Anonymous said...

Ah ha!!! so is that where the term 'ghostwriter' comes from?

And Mr Crowe, I hope you don't mind a personal question, but might you be a case in point?

Romulus Crowe said...


I can assure you, young lady, I am as real as you are, in a buddhist sort of way. That is, you have no direct evidence of my existence, nor I of yours.

Like ghosts, goblins, demons or George Bush, neither of us can be proved or disproved through the medium of the internet.

Nor, indeed, can the existence of the internet be assumed to be true. Perhaps this is all in your mind.

Perhaps you're staring at your fridge, and typing on your salad bowl.

Can you prove me wrong?

Anonymous said...

oh my! did I hit a sore spot - or something?

but let me ask another question.
If not via direct methods how can I deduce that you are not merely a cruton in my salad bowl of life?

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