Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Another scheme bites the dust.

More attempted manipulation by the Queen of Devious Schemes.

But now, it seems young F-J is rather enamored of the idea of a promotion for Elaine - and perhaps enamored of Elaine?

Farty-Jones, the hideous scrawny goblin, has no authority or power and never will have. Have you told Elaine of his romantic inclinations? No matter, I'll do that for you. I'd better have a bucket handy.

Besides, Elaine has taken up with the equally wealthy, but rather more human-looking, Norman Sweeney. Perhaps you haven't heard of that yet? So much for 'finger on the pulse'. Sweeney isn't too bright, but at least he worked for his money, unlike the disgusting Farty-Jones. So once more, the schemes of Imaginary LeFevre fall flat. I admit your schemes aren't too boring, for a woman, but you can't win.

Sweeney has a house I like, and he doesn't. Apparently a house full of ghosts and demons is not to his liking, but it's very useful to me. That might just be the spur I need to start up my own investigative laboratory. We shall see.

I've discussed swapping houses with Sweeney. He's agreed. So all I need now is something to convince me to leave the university.

An orb convention should do it.


Anonymous said...

Oh, but the F-J's do have power - the power of the almighty dollar - so many of theirs that are relied upon all around the campus.

As for Elaine, I never even implied that F-J's infatuation could be reciprocal.

So you know about her relationship with Sweeney. So who do you think he will support if it comes to a show-down between you and the school? Once again who's side are the big $$$ on?

I think you need to mend a few fences.

Romulus Crowe said...

I think you need to mend a few fences.

Better still - build bigger ones.

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