Saturday, December 03, 2005

The health service falters - parasite overload

Well, it seems many UK health 'trusts' are going to delay operations until the next financial year. If you're going to get something serious, best wait until April. Remember, the service is staffed by doctors and nurses, but they have no say. The Administrators run things now. To the doctors and nurses, you're a patient. To the admin, you're a drain on resources. You cost less if you die.

These are the same administrative creatures that are currently closing chemistry and engineering departments in universities. Why? Are there too many chemists and engineers?

Hardly. We're fast running out of both. No, the reason is far more simple.

Chemistry and engineering courses are expensive to run. Media studies is a far cheaper course. Here in Marchway, the chemistry department is under constant threat. They don't dare say 'boo'. The smug swines in Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and so on are already measuring up the chemistry labs. At least psychology is relatively cheap to run, so we're a fair way down the death list.

Don't they realise that without a basic grounding in chemistry, most biological disciplines will grind to a halt too? Pity the future molecular biologist who pours sodium azide solution into his stainless steel sink. Don't know why? Well, since you will find it difficult to study chemistry in future, you'll just have to find out the hard way. A few dead molecular biologists should clue you in.

Remember, when you're driving over future bridges, that the designer studied no chemistry. He doesn't know what salt water will do to those bridge supports. He also didn't get more than a theoretical education in engineering.

Most of all, don't get sick. Doctors will be too busy filling out paperwork to help you. They won't be able to give you so much as a shot of penicillin without filling in the proper forms and waiting for approval from one of the bi-monthly meetings of the empty suit people.

A parasite is a living organism that lives on the body of another. It provides nothing, it does nothing useful at all. Its host does all the work and produces the materials, the parasite just takes the best of everything for itself. Often, the parasite weakens its host and reduces its efficiency. Parasite infestations, left untreated, increase in size. When the host dies, the parasite moves on to another.

Tell me why, in that definition, I can't just replace 'parasite' with 'administrator'?

Calling these organisations 'trusts' is a disgraceful misuse of the word.

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