Thursday, January 12, 2006

Dodging responsibility

My ISP has a clever little trick up its sleeve.

If you send them an Email berating them for their dreadful service, it goes into a queue. I assume it's a long queue because nobody ever answers. That does of course involve another assumption: that someone actually reads those mails. I'm not too sure about the second assumption.

If you then send another Email, berating them for their poor service, condescending attitude to customers, and refusal to answer the previous Email, their clever trick is activated.

The previous Email is cancelled. Your latest Email becomes your only representation in that queue.

It also goes back to the bottom of the queue.

So there's no need for them to ever respond to anyone.

What's odd about this, is that this particular ISP does not advertise. It relies on word-of-mouth and referrals. They pay you to refer people.

They don't pay enough to compensate for the permanent loss of friendship you will suffer if you refer someone. As for word of mouth, I wonder if they've even considered what words are coming out of mouths now.

Customers are an inconvenience to this company. Fortunately for them, they soon won't have any.

If it continues, I'll name them. I can get some recompense by writing an article about them, and I have stored the logs of my hours-long attempts to log into their system as evidence. I have no doubt they will set their lawyers onto me. If they do, I'll post the letters here. There's one point their lawyers must surely realise though.

It's not libel if it's true.

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