There are those in the UK whose mission in life is to make us, as a nation, look utterly stupid. Unfortunately, these are often people in positions of authority. It's time these idiots were paraded through the streets and publicly humiliated.
So I present the Idiot of the Week award to the Bishop of Bolton, who has declared that Halloween costumes create a climate of fear.
Now, I don't know about you, but I'm not in the least bit frightened by children dressed up as witches, demons or ghosts. Perhaps I have an unfair advantage in that, but even so. These are little children. They don't even frighten each other with their costumes, and here we have a Bishop who apparently hides under the table when they arrive at his door.
So much for his beliefs. If God can't save him from sweet-demanding miniature ghouls, he's not going to be much use against the real thing.
We have terrorist bombs going off in this country. We've had that for a very long time. Oh, the terrorists are different now, but the bombs go off just the same. We have murderers, muggers, rapists, burglars, and some who are violent just because they're too stupid to act any other way. Town centres are dangerous places after dark. Country roads have drunk-drivers speeding along them.
The Bishop isn't worried about that. He's worried about a five-year-old in a pointy hat and a plastic nose. Who, incidentally, is carrying a little broom, not a flick-knife.
There are many people in this world who need a damn good slap. You can add the Bishop of Bolton to that list. Unfortunately, if you slap anyone in this country, you risk going to jail for a very long time. You can't even call him an idiot to his face without risking arrest. Yet child-molesters and the like have been getting away with disgustingly light sentences.
Soon, the only safe place to be in the UK will be in prison.
Britian too? And I thought the Halloween Hystericals were a U.S. monopoly.
Isn't using fear and intimidation to acquire goods robbery? So if the Bishop is truly being terrorized by the tykes into surrendering the contents of his candy jar...
Okay, I'll second his nomination of Idiot of the Week.
*puts up hand* I guess that is the motion carried...although, before you hand out the award, what is Paris Hilton up to?
You have such silliness in the US too? Well, at least you don't broadcast it to the world.
Paris Hilton, as far as I know, is a hotel in France.
no, no, I am pretty sure she is having a cry with Humpty Dumpty about not being the only Alice at the ball (anyone haerd about that? All I can say is, the nect time you Brits get a chance, vote Richard Branson for King!)
Viva Le Branson! (I would have said King Rchard, but I kept getting Macbeth flashbacks...)
actually, that's a good question - what has his impeccable holiness to say about the delinquent thought processes children are exposed to be learnign old classics, such as Shakespeare, who very often did include witched and faerie critters in his plays.
Maybe we should mail him, offer to help him root out all evil from the world. We can call it the Da Vinci Purge.
Questions have already been raised, in UK schools, about Shakespeare's plays. Romeo and Juliet were underage, after all. I'm going to need some help slapping all these people.
You were right, by the way. The Hilton hotel in Paris was no. 6 in a search on 'Paris Hilton'. You must have been referring to the rich blonde floozy who occupied every other slot on the page. What does she do?
What does PAris Hilton do, apart from being the heir to the Hilton fortune?
now, that is a question the good Bishop should rather be concerning himself with - afgter all, this blonde floozy is idolized by millions of impressionalbe teenage girls. From PAris, they learn significant stuff like saying "That's hot". It is, apparently, a phrase which applies to any situation and thing.
I take it you are not kidding about the Romeo and Juliet concerns in UK schools? Ok, so I guess Noddy is coming back under fire before too long
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