Saturday, September 16, 2006

Relentless - the aftermath

Yesterday's experiment was not a success.

I was still awake at 7 am, but did nothing productive after 3 am. The rest of the time was manic and pointless web browsing.

Side-effects included chest pains, cramps and itching.

The caffeine/taurine combination does not remove the need for sleep, it merely defers it until the effects wear off. So I ended up wasting most of today, asleep.

I conclude that yes - these energy drinks keep you awake, as advertised. They do not allow you to stay focused on your work. They are not going to be useful for investigators who need to stay up all night, since those investigators will be too agitated to concentrate on their investigation.

Higher doses might even cause hallucinations. That's a problem if you're looking for ghosts. If you need to stay up all night, sleep during the day. It's the only safe way.

I understand some people mix this stuff with alcohol. That cannot be a good idea.


Anonymous said...

Glad you survived the experiment.

Romulus Crowe said...

I survived, but with after-effects. Because I slept most of the day, I now can't get to sleep again. I have to get 'in sync' by Monday, or it's going to be a tough day.

Southern Writer - thank you for a most impressive review! I'll add you to my 'list of people to haunt' but on the green side, not the red side. Just in case--although I won't be trying that particular experiment again.

There aren't many on the green side of the list, as you can no doubt imagine.

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