Thursday, May 04, 2006

Da Vinci strikes again.

I’m going to leave the Witnesses alone today, because the Catholic Church has once more made a public fool of itself.

Dan Brown’s wad of tripe, the Da Vinci Code, is to be made into a film. A film that, like the book, would have made no more than a modest impact on the world if left to its own devices.

However, the Pope’s head of propaganda, or whatever he’s called, has once more villified the story as lies, and insisted that Catholics boycott the film. You can’t buy publicity like this. Dan Brown and the film’s producers must be thanking God – for doing their job for them.

Best of all, take a look at this.

An English Catholic group has had the sense to play it calm over the proposed boycott. However, they are annoyed that the film will not carry a notification that it is fiction.


I doubt there was such a disclaimer at the start of A Clockwork Orange. Nor Hellraiser, parts one to ninety, or wherever that one’s got to. Halloween, The Grudge, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and Spongebob Squarepants. None of these films, I’ll bet, state that they are works of fiction.

How stupid do you have to be, then, to assume that all those films are true stories?

Dan Brown’s book is FICTION. Anyone with half a brain can see that, and for the rest of you, Dan Brown himself has stated this fact.

If you’re a Catholic, consider this: The high chiefs of your church consider you to be so ill-informed, so gullible, so idiotic that you have to be told that this story isn’t real. They actually think that if you see this, you might be shocked and dismayed.

Are you really so carefully wrapped against the world? Can’t you decide for yourself?

Naturally, some people won’t want to see it because they consider it insulting. Fine. I won’t see it because I don’t consider it interesting. That’s fine too.

I am not, however, going to presume to tell anyone else what they can and cannot choose to see.

That’s not religion. That’s totalitarianism.


Anonymous said...

"You can’t buy publicity like this."

Probably exactly what one of the PR guys at the Vatican said too.;)

Anonymous said...

A Clockwork Orange

My bleeding-heart instructor in school couldn't understand why I felt so little sympathy for Alex in A Clockwork Orange.

Romulus Crowe said...

How could anyone feel sympathy for him, or expect anyone else to?

Alex wasn't abused by his parents. It was the other way round! There was no excuse for his behaviour. He was a detestable little swine.

This 'sympathy for the criminal' world is insane. Sympathy should go to the victim. Shoot the criminal.

Anonymous said...

"Shoot the criminal"

A bit extreme, Romulus. I'd settle for locking them up in small pods of 5 to 7 prisoners (family-sized) with like histories, giving them plenty of work to keep them busy, and re-educating them.

But when 'what goes around comes around' or 'karma happens' I doubt I'll cry a river.

Romulus Crowe said...

If anyone phones that number, be aware that you are as thick as a brick. It is not possible to get a degree this way. Only a cretin would try. Only a conman would offer it.

I'll leave this one here but delete all your copies, Dave.

I'll save this one to comment on in detail, when I have more time.

In the meantime, I urge everyone to phone that number, say 'you are a twat' and hang up.

Anyone else want to post a crappy ad?

Anonymous said...

What if the purpose of the spam is to put an innocent party's phone number on the web so they will get endless harassing calls?

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